Monday, October 3, 2016

October 2016 - Three years out!

We're at the three-year mark since I had my DCR on both eyes.  I'm amazed to find 100% success from my DCR - even though it took my eyes time post-surgery to stop dropping tears and use my new tear ducts.  My surgeon thinks that I was still dealing with a lot of post-surgical swelling and it just slowed down seeing the results of the DCR.

What still amazes me today is the fact that there is little or no scarring that is visible. This is me in the pic, without any foundation to hide marks.  Yes, I'm old and wrinkled (that certainly helps disguise it), but in truth, the surgical scars blend very well with the "aging" aspects of my face.  Remember, the incisions were placed beneath my eyes along the orbital bones.  Fantastic results!